Babylon 5 - 06
  Babylon 5 - 06

Survivors and By Any Means Necessary.



Sci-Fi Video


The sinister presence of shadowy terrorists the Home Guard once again stalks the passageways of Babylon 5. The visiting Earthforce President narrowly escapes an assassination attempt and his security chief, obsessed with an old grudge, charges Garibaldi with the crime. Commander Sinclair suspects a frame-up and has to race to find the true culprits before the assassins strike again.

By Any Means Necessary

A tragic accident in one of babylon 5's overcrowded docking bays is blamed on obsolete equipment and terrible working conditions, and a vicious labour dispute erupts when an Earth Alliance hatchet man is sent to resolve the crises, by any means necessary. If this was not enough for Commander Sinclair, Ambassadors Londo and G'Kar are upto their old tricks, stealing each other's religious icons.

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